
Tips for Long-Term Backpacking on a Budget: Part II

We know that the prospect of long-term backpacking, especially on a budget, can be both exhilarating and terrifying. If you’re wondering how far you can stretch your funds, what to do about insurance, how to protect yourself against identity theft, what types of technology will be your best friends, and just plain how to approach life on the road, then this article is for you! (Click here for Part I of this series covering planning your trip, transportation, accommodations, and health and wellness.)


Money Matters 

Budgeting: We attempted to budget $50 a day between the two of us (including our hotel costs, but not including flights). Travel gurus like Nomadic Matt recommend this budget for 1 person, but we tried it as a couple. Most of the time, we stayed on target. Travel days and tourist days usually threw this out the window though, and that was ok, because there were plenty of times when all we did was cruise the beach or explore a town with our only expenses being food and accommodations. For the first month of our trip, we were very lax about budgeting. After noticing our bank account quickly draining, we immediately set out on a budget, logging purchases every day in the Notes app on our phone. We definitely recommend budgeting from day 1, especially if you have no income. Don’t be fooled by the allure that everything’s cheaper in a particular region. No matter where you travel, every purchase adds up.

Exchanging Money: Though convenient, it’s not necessarily advantageous to change a lot of money at the airport. The airport exchange counters will often boast ‘no fees,’ but that is typically in exchange for a higher conversion rate than you might find on the street. This is where your conversion app comes in handy. Do a conversion ahead of time so you know what to expect. We always tried to use up most of our money in a country before we left, and then took out money at ATMs in the new country.

ATM Fees: Speaking of ATMs…those fees really do add up so take out as much money as you can at a time, every time.


Insurance, Finance, & Identity (Oh My!)

Insurance: We used World Nomads for our health insurance and to insure our gear from damage or theft. World Nomads is super flexible regarding the length of time you can purchase insurance. They have seemingly good coverage (we only say that because we never actually used it), and a comprehensive website with tons of travel tips.

Banking & ATMs: On the Thai island, Ko Lanta, we experienced every traveler’s nightmare – our bankcard got stuck in an ATM at 711 (pictured is the actual ATM that ate our card). At this point in our travels, we had no SIM card, so we could not make a phone call to the bank. We waited for about 40 minutes hoping the card would come out, but it never did. A good Samaritan let us use his phone to call the bank, but conversation was difficult with the language barrier. Long story short, our amazing AirBNB hosts tracked our card down on the mainland, and we were able to pick it up a week later in Krabi. Luckily, it perfectly coincided with our onward trip to Cambodia. If it hadn’t, we would have had to cancel the card. All that said – we highly recommend using ATMs at a bank and during banking hours whenever possible. This way, if you have any issue, the tellers can help you on the spot.

Protect Your Internet Security with VPN: We used the VPN service ‘Hide My Ass,’ and it worked well the majority of the time. Where the Internet was weaker in general, it struggled to connect. What is VPN and how does it work? VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. It allows you to access the Internet safely and privately by routing your Internet connection through a foreign server while hiding your actions. VPN software encrypts your data making it so that your online activities appear like they are coming from the foreign VPN server, not your computer (thus, hiding what you’re doing – like entering a credit card number into a website, your IP address, etc.). Whenever possible, use your VPN, and especially for online transactions.

Avoiding & Dealing with Identity Theft, Thieves and Fraud: We had our credit card information stolen in Cambodia when making an online purchase over a hotel WiFi signal without using our VPN for just 5 minutes. At an ATM machine in Bali, our bankcards and pin numbers were copied directly from the ATM pad, and each of us had over $200 withdrawn from our accounts months after we returned to the States. Luckily, in both cases, our money was recovered. Fraud can happen at any time and when you least expect it. How to avoid it? Use your VPN whenever making online purchases. Make photocopies of important documents like your passport, license, and all credit cards. Store them somewhere other than where you regularly keep those documents, and hide your cash in several places throughout your bags. We also took out one credit card in each of our names in the event we were in a jam. This was especially helpful when we temporarily lost our debit card to that ATM.

Another tip: Do lock your bags whenever they are unattended, and if there’s a safe in your hotel room, use it. This isn’t personal. We struggled with feeling like locking our bags inherently meant we didn’t trust hotel staff. It doesn’t mean that. What it means is you can’t afford to lose your stuff. If you’re going to be in big crowds, consider a zippered backpack (we also secured our bags with carabineers) and shamelessly wore a fanny pack.

Negotiate Fees Ahead of Time: Whether that’s a hotel room, a cab ride, or a tour guide – it’s always better to determine the price in advance. No surprises make both parties happier. This is particularly important in very touristy areas. We had a tuk tuk driver that was taking us back and forth to Angkor Wat in Cambodia over several days. On the last day, we were continuing on to a farther destination. That morning, he and a group of other cab drivers swarmed us as we loaded into the cab to tell us that the day’s ride would be double the price of the others. Caught off guard, we begrudgingly agreed. If we had discussed the fee the day prior, all of that irritation would have been avoided.


Power Adapter

Power Adapters: This is something we wondered about before we left the States. Should we purchase power adapters ahead of time? What if we couldn’t find them on arrival and our electronics went dead when we needed them most? Ultimately, we opted to hold out until we arrived in each country, where purchasing the appropriate power adapter was either achieved in the hotel itself, or at a nearby grocery store (within walking distance). We only needed two adapters each for our entire trip. One worked in Indonesia, Cambodia, Thailand and Myanmar. The other worked in Malaysia and Hong Kong (pictured).

SIM Cards Are Your Friend: SIM cards make your life infinitely easier. They’re cheap, simple to get (at 711 or the grocery store), and are refillable by making a call. All you need is an unlocked cell phone. Before we discovered the world of SIM cards, we relied on WiFi for Internet and phone calls, which was both limiting and freeing. However, we felt much more confident when we started purchasing SIM cards, and were able to do a whole lot more, too.

Apps: We relied on a lot of apps during our travels. Here’s what we used: XE Currency Converter, our bank and credit card apps, Uber (yes, Uber is available in many countries), flashlight app, AirBNB, Hostel World, VPN (Hide My Ass), Google Translate, Google Maps (you can download maps directly to your phone to access without an Internet signal if needed), Agoda, Skype and What’s App for making free phone calls using WiFi. Note that you’ll need a valid phone number to use What’s App.


Equipment: Depending on your purposes, you may need to bring more or less technical equipment on your trip. As bloggers, we each brought a laptop, mini external hard drives, shared an iPhone, a solar powered charger, and brought along a waterproof GoPro (highly recommended if you’re planning on snorkeling or scuba diving). We also each had a Kindle.


Adjusting to Long Term Travel

Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude: Be flexible. Your attitude can make an uncomfortable situation either funny, tolerable, interesting, or miserable. We loved the advice we once read about imagining ourselves sprinkling magic fairy dust on everyone we encountered on our travels, especially those in the service industry. Smile. Ingratiate yourself. Asking people how they’re doing and taking the time to say thank you can go a long way. And tipping, though not necessarily expected, can really make someone’s day.

Dealing With Authorities: Immigration, customs, Visa processing, police – it can be intimidating. Be polite, own the frame, and act with integrity. You do not necessarily have the same rights you’re used to at home.

Drugs: We are not in favor of the criminality of substances, but we don’t make the laws. If you’d like to use some illegal drugs while you’re traveling abroad, you might want to look into the penalties for said activities ahead of time. The punishment you can face if caught for something as benign as smoking marijuana is pretty frightening in some places and totally not worth the risk (in our opinion).


Respect Local Customs: As Westerners, we are used to being able to wear what we want out in public, but in some countries it’s not appropriate to go out without covering up, regardless of your gender. Even if it’s hot, even if it seems silly, or you just plain don’t like it, remember that attitude of gratitude and wanting to be a good steward on someone else’s land. Cover up when appropriate and respect the rules at religious sites.


Speaking in Tongues: Make an effort to learn a little bit of the local language everywhere you go, even if it’s just hi and thank you. Locals always appreciate when you try to speak their language.

Bathrooms: Bathrooms vary where you travel, but in SE Asia, the toilet, shower, and sink combo are typically all in one space and sometimes crammed on top of each other. In our hotel in Hong Kong, we could shower, sit on the toilet and brush our teeth at the same time. In less developed countries you might also encounter the squatty potty, which is like a trough in the ground. Also good to know: in many SE Asian countries you should never put toilet paper, tampons or any other foreign objects into the toilet, as the plumbing cannot handle it. Spray guns attached to the toilet (bum gun as we called it), or just a bucket of water to wash off, may be found with or without toilet paper in some places. You get used to it. When we didn’t know what to expect, we brought our own TP, just in case.

Kuta Trash Heap Plastic Beach.JPG

Sustainability: Traveling long term often leads to tourists producing heaps of waste in whatever country they’re visiting, be it plastic bottles, bags, straws, food packaging, and more. You can go the extra eco-friendly mile by bringing along a reusable water bottle, shopping bag, and straw. If this isn’t possible for some reason, opt not to use straws, reuse disposable water bottles and bags, and of course, recycle whenever possible.

Lastly, if you’re looking to see wild animals while abroad it’s essential to research all wildlife tourism outlets in advance. Check out our article on this subject to learn more about this industry, and the places we recommend visiting.

Enjoy Your Trip!

Bali Know Stone Unturned

Backpacking for an extended period of time is the experience of a lifetime. Enjoy every moment. You will likely cherish them for the rest of your life!

Let us know where you’re headed this summer in the comments.

Visiting: The Ice Castles

Tucked into the base of the White Mountain National Forest are NH’s Ice Castles, an acre of hundreds of thousands of hand-placed icicles aglow with LED lights, creating a maze of dreamy frozen canyons, tunnels, squeeze passages, slides, fountains, sculptures, icy thrones, and more. The experience is one of 6 across North America, and the only one of its kind in the Northeast.

Now in its 6th season in NH, visitors can take a horse drawn sleigh around the property, fly down a tandem ice luge slide illuminated by pulsing rainbow lights, and warm up around controlled fire pits with hot cocoa and sweet treats.

The Ice Castles can be found in the following cities: North Woodstock, NH, Dillon, CO, Excelsior, MN, Lake Geneva, WI, Midway, UT, and Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

This fun and beautiful attraction is a wonderful way for families, couples, and friends to celebrate the magic of winter.

Tips for Long-Term Backpacking on a Budget: Part I

Padar, part of Komodo National Park, Indonesia

Each New Year brings with it a welcome refresh, and the excitement of new experiences, relationships, and destinations. Will you be traveling to new vistas this year? We know there’s lots to think about when planning a long trip abroad – passports, visas, finances, gear, health, and just plain traveling all the time – especially when backpacking on a budget. The lightness of your pack is freeing, adding more weight to each item brought along, while you collect stories and insights throughout the journey to carry back with you.

This is the first of two articles sharing some of the tips, tricks and hacks we learned along the way through research, mistakes, and experience during our travels in South East Asia. Here we’ll cover planning your trip, transportation, accommodations, and health and wellness.



US Passport Know Stone Unturned

Passports & Visas: Make sure your passport is up to date well in advance of your trip. Express passport renewal services exist but they’re more costly. Find more information on getting or updating a U.S. passport here.

Some countries require Visas for any length of stay, while others may allow you to visit for anywhere from 1 – 3 months before requiring a Visa. You can determine what countries require Visas by visiting their embassy websites. We used the Department of State website which lists a ton of relevant information by country, including Visa requirements, vaccinations, travel advisories and other tips.


Onward Ticketing: If like us, you’re vision of long-term travel is one of freedom and openness without having every destination pre-planned, you should know that you will often be expected to have an onward ticket when entering any foreign country. We learned this in the wee hours of the morning at Boston International Airport on our way to Indonesia. Eager to get to Bali and expecting to decide where we’d travel next from there, we discovered that we would not be able to board our plane without proof of our onward destination. This applies to anyone flying internationally with a one-way ticket. For the airlines, your onward ticket is proof that you won’t be staying in a country beyond the time allowed, which is often 30 days. We booked a flight from Bali to Phuket, Thailand, on the spot for just under a month after we would arrive in Indonesia. Crisis averted. Thus armed with the knowledge that we would always be at risk without an onward ticket, but still not wanting to pre-plan our entire trip, we discovered an onward ticketing website that offers a solution to this problem. The site allows users to rent onward tickets for $10 with their names on them to use as proof for the airlines. We used it once or twice, and always with success.

Marry Me Bali Know Stone Unturned

Choosing Your Gear: This was one of the most agonizing decisions we made leading up to our trip, but the amount of research put in more than paid off. We both chose Osprey backpacks: the Farpoint 40 for Nikki and the Porter 46 for Chadley. Those numbers correspond to the volume of each bag, measured in liters. We brought packing cubes to condense our belongings and organize our packs, and day pack Osprey bags for everyday living (these bags are super light and fold up into a neat little ball for easy packing when not in use). Nikki also brought a cross body purse, Chadley brought a Martin Backpacker guitar, and both of us took along sealable waterproof bags, just in case. They came in handy. 

Bali Know Stone Unturned

Pack Light: Less is more, especially in a hot region! Not only will schlepping too much stuff cost you at the airport (see below), but you’ll want to have room to take some special trinkets home with you, including new threads. We saw lots of folks dragging rolling suitcases in the most unlikely places, and even met a backpacking couple with a huge rolling suitcase they called their souvenir bag. You really only need to pack enough clothes for a week or so. (Soap isn’t that hard to find) Ultimately, it’s good to remember whatever you bring with you is what you have to carry, and lift into the overhead bin.



Your Baggage Weight Matters: We tried to take our bags with us as ‘carry-on’ every time, and usually we were successful. Once however, we had to pay nearly $100 (more than the plane ticket) to have 2 backpacks checked at the last second, because they weighed too much. While we were used to baggage size requirements in the US, in Asia there are also strict weight limits. As your travels go on your bags tend to get heavier. Go to your airline’s website to find out their weight requirements and check your bag online in advance if needed, it’s much cheaper. However if you are able to travel with only carry-on sized bags, you can reduce costs, and more importantly the risk of being separated from your bags.

Bagan Know Stone Unturned

International Driver’s License: It’s good to look into this if you plan to drive a car or even a motorbike abroad. Getting caught without a valid license by local police could cost you precious time and money you’d rather spend elsewhere. We drove motorbikes without the license and didn’t have any problems, but we were advised by locals to avoid police ‘traps’ on a few occasions.


Expect Chaos at Airport Taxi Stands: The moment you leave an international airport pretty much anywhere, you will likely be bombarded by taxi drivers wanting to give you a lift. This can be overwhelming if you’re not expecting it. If you are expecting it, it’s much easier to hold your ground, choose the right transport for you, and get the price you can afford. Be confident and take your time. Don’t let anyone rush you into a decision. Extra tip: Look up the standard cab rates in the city you’re traveling to before you get there. If you forget to do that, this information is often in the back of your in flight magazine.


Eden Hotel Bali Kuta

Search Multiple Booking Sites for Accommodations: There are often different deals at different times for many hotels and hostels across platforms. We used Agoda, Orbitz, HostelWorld, and AirBNB primarily. And check the hotel website you’re interested in, too. Technology changes, but the concept of perusing multiple websites for the best deals will remain.

Serenity Eco Guesthouse and Yoga Bali

Where to Stay: We typically stayed in hotels, hostels, and occasionally AirBNB’s that cost between $15 and $25 a night, with a preference for $15 - $20/night. In South East Asia this was most often achievable. We looked for the following in a place to stay: breakfast included, private room with ensuite bathroom, walking distance to attractions yet outside of the hustle and bustle of ‘town,’ WiFi, and a pool if not near the beach. Note: Staying in the shared room at a hostel will run you much less than a private room anywhere, and can be as little as $5 - $10 per night. This is a great way to stretch your funds while meeting lots of new people at the same time.


Charcoal Powder

The Dreaded D: Bali Belly, Montezuma’s Revenge, traveler’s diarrhea, whatever you call it – nobody wants it, but almost everyone gets it. Pack activated charcoal and/or clay tablets for a gentle remedy. This always worked for us. That said, if your condition persists, take something stronger and consider heading to the doctor.


Avoid Raw and Uncooked Veggies: Unless you know your salad greens were washed in purified water, that super looking health salad might be setting you up for a day or several in your hotel bathroom in some countries. When in doubt, opt for cooked meals.


Drinking Water: In some countries its best not to drink the tap water without boiling it first to avoid illness. If this is the case, you can take further precautions by not opening your mouth in the shower, and brushing your teeth with filtered water. Pro Tip: Most countries with water sanitation issues use filtered ice, but if you’re unsure whether the ice in your drink is clean, just ask.

Ko Lanta Boat Thailand

Motion Sickness: We're not into pharmaceuticals, but if you’re prone to motion sickness, pack some Dramamine. Rule of thumb, if you hear from other travelers that the route ahead is nauseating – believe it. Nobody wants to be the one person barfing on public transportation all the way to your next destination. Trust us. Additional things that help – Fishermans Mints can calm the stomach, but they are not a solve all.


First Aid: It’s always good to pack a first aid kit, especially if you’re planning on some adventurous hikes. Here’s what was in ours (italics indicate those items we actually used during our travels): band aids, tweezers, alcohol wipes, antibiotics, anti yeast medication, Dramamine, activated charcoal, goldenseal/Echinacea pills, probiotics, melatonin, turmeric pills, solar powered battery charger, hydration pills, anti-diarrheal medication, heavy duty insect repellent, organic insect repellent, feminine products, and sunscreen. These last two items can run you a pretty penny depending on the country, so you might opt to bring them with you. 


Vaccines: Depending on where you’re traveling, you may face some mandatory vaccinations. A quick look at the US CDC website per country will help you determine this, along with all the recommended vaccines, which can seem like a long and scary list. Other than what’s mandatory (nothing for where we traveled in South East Asia) the rest of the recommended vaccines are really a personal choice. We opted with two of the plethora of options available - Hepatitis A and Typhoid - and got our shots at Passport Health, which is available in most major cities internationally.

Good to Know: We paid out of pocket because our health insurance would not cover any of the recommended vaccines. If you have great health coverage and it won’t cost you an arm and a leg to get yours at your primary care doctor, obviously opt for that. Passport Health was a good service with kind and knowledgeable staff. We went in Boston, MA, just 24 hours before our flight. Also note, some vaccines require multiple doses over a period of several weeks or months. Do your research in advance so you know what’s required. Regarding insect borne illness – yes, the threat of malaria, and other mosquito born diseases is scary, but unless you’re going to be in the deep jungle trekking for weeks this is probably not a huge issue for you. We bought heavy insect repellent, but never used it and regretted bringing it along. Passport Health gave us a comprehensive booklet with detailed worldwide health information, including what seasons would be worse for certain diseases, as well as the regions affected. All this said – to each their own. Please remember we are not doctors and this is not medical advice.


Elephant Nature Park Chiang Mai Thailand

Long-term backpacking is wondrous, life changing, and often a once in a lifetime experience. While traveling on a budget can be challenging, the experiences you’ll have will far outweigh the difficulties. In the next article we’ll share our tips on budgeting and finances, insurance, identity theft, technology, equipment, and adjusting to long-term travel.

Where are you going this year? Let us know in the comments!

Visiting: Serenity Eco Guesthouse & Yoga - Canggu, Bali


Located in Canggu, home to some of Bali’s premiere surf, international restaurants, co-working spaces, temples, tattoo studios, shopping and nightlife, Serenity Eco Guesthouse focuses on just that: Serenity. Only a five-minute walk to Batu Balong Beach, quietly tucked away from the noisy beaches in Kuta, while still being 45-minutes from the airport and an hour to Ubud, Serenity is a sanctuary for travelers looking for an affordable, quiet, nourishing and soulful space to rest their heads.

While planning our trip to Asia we scoured the web for insight on where to stay in Bali, poring over reviews of beaches, neighborhoods and accommodations until we found Serenity, which promised to provide the perfect mix of location, activities and health food we sought. Though we had only planned to stay five days at the guesthouse, it didn’t take long for us to extend our stay. In total, we spent about five weeks here in five different room types on two occasions, bookending our trip with plenty of yoga, clean food, relaxation and beach time. We recommend staying at least five days to truly soak up all Serenity has to offer. For a closer look at the guesthouse watch our video tour.



Founded by owners Daniel & Yatna on their personal property in 2009, this family run business now has dozens of employees and three additional branches of guest rooms in short walking distance from the main complex.

Despite increased demand for rooms, the guesthouse never feels crowded. The yoga studios are spacious, guests are always willing to share a table in the health conscious Alkaline Restaurant, and the gorgeous pool is surrounded by plenty of seating. Every room is equipped with a safety box, and comes either with full or discounted breakfast. Guests are invited to store food in shared refrigerators, and a shuttle service is provided between the main house and branches for added convenience.

While eco resorts may feel out of reach for many budget travelers, Serenity instills the feeling that sustainability is achievable for everyone, and at a reasonable price. Presently, Serenity’s dorms cost about $10 a night, and private rooms range from $15 - $30 per night. Check out their website for the most up to date prices.



The guesthouse pays careful attention to wellness for the body, mind, spirit, and environment. A dozen yoga and meditation classes are scheduled daily. Taught by Balinese, Indonesian and international teachers, classes range from ashtanga, mysore, hatha, yin, and various vinyasas, to yoga for surfers, chakra flows, aerial yoga, life coaching workshops, gong meditation, acroyoga and more. A meditation room, massage, surf lessons, bicycle and motorbike rentals are also available.

A variety of 100% organic, natural and mindful oriented products are sold on-site, including: virgin coconut oil, mosquito repellent, activated bamboo charcoal (a detoxing purifier), reusable straws, sunscreen, and books on consciousness.

Serenity’s Alkaline Restaurant offers an organic menu filled with raw, vegan, vegetarian, and gluten free items. Meat options, are available, too. Super foods abound, from electrolyte packed coconuts, to iron-rich moringa (a native plant grown on-site), to wheatgrass shots, turmeric juice, a variety of homemade detox juices, multiple brands of locally made kombucha in many flavors (including Serenity’s very own), alkaline water, and divine cacao bars made in Ubud, to name a few. Daily and weekly specials add even more variety. But best of all, it’s obvious the food is made with love.



Sustainability is another of Serenity’s core values, and this is seen throughout the property, from the banyan tree that stands at the entrance, to the composting and recycling bins placed throughout the common areas, the cleaning products used, the array of eco-friendly goods sold on-site, and the reminders in every space to reduce energy use.

The growing movement toward eco-tourism is of international importance, and especially in rapidly developing areas like Bali where there is little pre-existing infrastructure to handle the intense growth and resulting waste generated by the industry. A shortage of waste management systems coupled with a lack of community awareness on how to properly dispose of mass quantities of garbage – 20,000 cubic meters of trash is discarded daily – is a huge problem in Bali, and notably so in the beach communities. It’s estimated that seventy-five percent of trash is not collected by official services, meaning it’s likely burned, washed into waterways, or otherwise illegally dumped. This problem is only exacerbated by the large quantities of non-biodegradable trash produced by the booming tourism sector.

In 2016, Bali hosted close to 5 million foreign tourists, a number that surpassed the island’s total population in 2014. While the industry has a positive impact on Bali’s economy, mass tourism takes a serious toll on the paradisiacal environment, which is one of the very reasons travelers make the trip to the ‘island of the gods' in the first place. Offering over 6,000 hotels on 2,175 square miles, the tourist industry absorbs approximately 65% of Bali’s total water supply, with four- and five-star hotels requiring at least 50,000 liters of clean water every day, according to the Bali Hotel Association. Despite the stresses tourism puts on the island, the Balinese remain welcoming of tourists, and an increasing number of organizations are cropping up to combat the problem.

While the hotel business, in particular, is in desperate need of improvement, this is an area where Serenity truly shines. The Eco Guesthouse offers conscious travelers the ability to be good stewards in their host country by making a positive impact on the local environment, while still having fun, eating well, and staying in budget.

Serenity boasts a number of sustainable practices focused on reducing, reusing and recycling. Rather than burning trash and grass, they compost organic waste, and recycle used plastic bottles and paper at Eco Bali. Many other items are reused, too, including glass, scrap wood and plastic bags. Local building materials, bamboo, and plastic bottles are used in the infrastructure, and gorgeous works of art are created from broken materials that would be otherwise trashed. Inorganic waste is further reduced by the restaurant, which provides biodegradable takeaway boxes.

At Serenity, water is saved by staggering linen washes in guest rooms. Drying linens in the sun further reduces energy. Low energy light bulbs and natural septic tanks are also used.

The charming grounds incorporate permaculture gardens, an organic nursery, a wastewater garden, and organic worm farm. The gardens provide a variety of fresh fruit and medicinal herbs, and incorporate homemade organic fertilizers. They are kept mosquito and pest free by growing neem, lemongrass and zodiac, and by using garlic spray and neem oil instead of toxic chemicals.

In addition to all this, the staff makes a point of using eco-friendly products for their dish and linen washing, and to keep their beautiful swimming pool clean and pristine. Guests are asked to do their part by washing off inorganic sunscreen and bug sprays before entering the pool, hanging their towels out to dry, composting, recycling, and reducing energy by turning off lights, AC and fans when not in use.

At Serenity, you know sustainability is a team effort in which we all play a part. As a guest, patron at the Alkaline Café, or a student in a yoga class, you know that you are part of a movement to make a positive impact on the world while minimizing your global footprint.



When you stay at Serenity you know you're helping to care for the world while taking care of yourself. The feeling you get throughout your visit is one of mindfulness and intention. The thoughtful, friendly staff, artful attention to detail – from the yin-yangs, murals, and mirror mosaics, to the labeling of plants and information on super foods placed around the restaurant – and intuitive sense of sustainability and well-being that permeates the guesthouse all contribute to the peaceful atmosphere, making it a wonderful place to reflect, relax and grow.